Spent the later afternoon into early evening with members of the Plainview Gurudwara Preparing Meals and clothing and winter accessories for 950 people including 13 Shelter on Long Island and met some new friends today! Ate a lot! All vegetarian based food I ate and it was delish!!! I even tried a new tea and had a little spice. Had to go in my socks only; lol, but it was all good as it was for important work...just need to bring more cushy socks next time. Thankful to be able to help and share!!!
Here’s to each us continuing in 2019 Spreading Kindness Love Community and helping our Homelessness members of our communities.
Menu included: Rice, Beans, Pasta, Bananas, Corn, Mixed Vegetables, Bread, Salad dressing.
- Rosapark Hempstead Shelter
- Hope house
- Dedication
- Inspiration
- House of Change
- Allen house
- Bethany
- EMI shelter
- Donald Axinn
- Hicksville Boys and girls club
- Glencove Kichen
- Dixhill woman's shelter
- Trycya
- Wyandanch youth center